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“Lost wax process in Mold making & Stained-Glass techniques” – a Talk by Geert Poozteman.

We are pleased to announce that we have master sculptor, Geert Poorteman presenting a fabulous talk in the upcoming Art Fair!

Geert was born in Belgium and holds a master's in fine Arts (sculpting). 
He has been involved in all aspects of art from being an artist himself, an art teacher, a pedagogical advisor, and a curriculum developer for schools & teacher training colleges.


Geert was born in Belgium and holds a master's in fine Arts (sculpting). He has been involved in all aspects of art from being an artist himself, an art teacher, a pedagogical advisor, and a curriculum developer for schools & teacher training colleges.Art has taken Geert all over the world. A turning point for him was when he was in Burundi involved in art education.


Their civil war broke out and Geert found himself passionately involved in humanitarian relief work, education, and the peace process.


Geert went on to work for UNICEF as chief of education. He has lived in several West African countries, as well as in Lesotho, and the Eastern Himalayas. Fortunately for us, he has now retired in Houtbay!All are welcome to come along and listen to him chat about the ‘Lost wax process’ in mold making along with the fascinating techniques involved in making authentic stained glass.Catch him at midday on Sunday the 2nd of February at Fine Art Africa Gallery.There is no entrance fee and all are welcome.

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