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by Mignon van Zyl
Painter, Ian Yallop has lived in the lowveld on and off for years. When he's not there you will find him traveling in Australia, Singapore America, Bolivia, New Zealand and many places in between. He has led a varied, eclectic life and his fitted in a large number of adventures and callings into it - playing a chef: he studied French cooking at Le Cordon Bleu in the US and worked as a sous-chef at you Ulusaba in the Kruger Park, playing a painter: he has had a number of exhibitions in the lowveld, playing a celeb: he participated in an art show with Blackie Dammet, father of Antony Kiedis – Red Hot Chili Peppers lead singer, playing a teacher: he made a living teaching art to high school students, playing Romeo: he has been married and divorced four times needless to say, he has been busy.

Life as a professional artist is not one for the faint hearted. What prompted you to embark on this journey?
A ...
"When I grew up, I always knew I wanted to be a artist, it was like a gift bestowed on me.. I guess I was born with a talent."
Q ...
Most of your works feature African wildlife scenes. Tell us why this particular subject means so much to you?
A ...
"Paul Bosman was a huge influence on my work, and I always wanted to be like him, animals inspire me, like a voice, if you like..."
Q ...
Tell us about your experience as your create - for example, the highs you feel when things magically come together, or the lows when nothing you do seems right.
A ...
"When I start a painting I first create the scene using washes, inks, coffee, and water. At that stage I have "uncontrolled" paint - like it has the first say. Then I take control and let the painting tell me what to do next."
Q ...
Specifically in terms of your creative career, what would be a dream come true?
A ...
"I have always wanted to live off my work, and in 5 years time I want to be comfortable enough to sustain my living.
I want people to love my work."
Q ...
Art aside - share with us what topic you feel strongly about, which either brings you great joy or brings you to tears
A ...
"I love cooking and tattooing.
As a qualified French chef, I live for food, and the use of all the senses we use when we eat."
Q ...
As a musician, what is your forte?
and... what music do you listen to when chilling and also when working?
A ...
"I enjoy jazz, and blues. I really like blues, a lot. As a musician I play piano and guitar.
I love Estas Tonne to listen to when I work. He plays classical guitar. When I was younger I enjoyed Edith Piaff, in fact I still do. I just enjoy real music.
Those hidden gems that are out there play a huge part of my life."
Q ...
What is the most memorable experience you've had in your art career?
A ...
"When I was working for Richard Branson, who happens to be an amazing down-to-earth" guy, I gave a friend one of my elephant paintings as a thank you gift.
Richard saw the painting and offered Karl, my friend, USD100K for the painting. Karl obviously refused and that became a standing joke among us. Richard did go on to purchase several of my other pieces.
Q ...
Ian, you worked for Richard Branson
as his personal chef for several years. What are your thoughts about his recent adventure into "space"?
A ...
"At the time I was working for him, Richard actually offered two friends of mine the opportunity to go with him into space. I was excited for them, because they were.
I just think it's just a publicity ploy, ... always needing to be the first.. all of this is really not my thing.
I'm quite happy with my feet on the ground."